Genie Membership

As a Genie Unlimited Member

You receive the benefits and convenience of a money-saving alternative to keeping your vehicle clean all month long

1. Choose an Unlimited Wash Plan:

Choose your favorite wash to get unlimited access to!

2. Get Your Tag:

Present your receipt to the on-site attendant to get your vehicle tagged with an RFID sticker. This tag will allow you access to our wash after being automatically scanned!

3: Enjoy!

Enjoy a shiny, clean ride – all the time!

Terms & Conditions

I authorize Genie Car Wash to charge my credit card
account for the amount of the selected wash plan on a monthly basis. I understand this
Automatic Recharge Authorization shall remain in force until I cancel before 7 days by
visiting the website I understand Genie Car Wash may cancel
this plan at any time, and that the plan will be canceled if the monthly charge is declined
by the card processing system. I understand that circumstances may affect the
availability of services, including equipment failure or inclement weather. I understand
that the monthly rates may be increased, with notice posted at the site at least 30 days
in advance. This plan is for one vehicle only, vehicles can be changed once every 6
months. The RFID tag must remain affixed to the vehicle in order to redeem any
services, and removal of the tag does not cancel the plan or stop the credit card
charges. Moving the Fastpass RFID tag to another vehicle without notice subjects you
to immediate termination of your membership. By purchasing a membership, the
customer agrees to be bound by any of these terms and conditions.

Terms & Conditions

I authorize Genie Car Wash to charge my credit card
account for the amount of the selected wash plan on a monthly basis. I understand this
Automatic Recharge Authorization shall remain in force until I cancel before 7 days by
visiting the website I understand Genie Car Wash may cancel
this plan at any time, and that the plan will be canceled if the monthly charge is declined
by the card processing system. I understand that circumstances may affect the
availability of services, including equipment failure or inclement weather. I understand
that the monthly rates may be increased, with notice posted at the site at least 30 days
in advance. This plan is for one vehicle only, vehicles can be changed once every 6
months. The RFID tag must remain affixed to the vehicle in order to redeem any
services, and removal of the tag does not cancel the plan or stop the credit card
charges. Moving the Fastpass RFID tag to another vehicle without notice subjects you
to immediate termination of your membership. By purchasing a membership, the
customer agrees to be bound by any of these terms and conditions.